Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tell our Representatives about the Baynes and other Troubled Families

Write a Letter to Members of the B.C. Legislative Assembly
Use either this email address list or the following photo gallery list with links for full contact information, EM, postal & phone.
MLA Alphabetical List with E-mail Addresses 

Write a Letter to a Member of Parliament of Canada


  1. If someone likes to send e-mail to any or all Officers of the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth, go to
    for sending e-mails to MCFD officers, or to Officers of the AG Ministry, put a dot (.) between their names and add
    for example

  2. We could e-mail our new Premier Christy Clark who in her speech tonight vowed to put families first in our province and that she wants to listen and make changes!

    What a challenge this could be for her to stand up for changes in our pathetic MCFD!

  3. Christy Clark used to be the Minister of MCFD. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, or any politician.


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