Thursday, January 7, 2010

For Love and For Justice / Part 81 / Zabeth and Paul Bayne

The Countdown is on - January 7 and Six Days before Court

I thought that in Canada one had to commit a crime to be convicted of one.

In the case of the Baynes, Paul and Zabeth Bayne that is, they did not commit a crime.

They have not been convicted of a crime. Yet they are being penalized as though they were guilty and had been convicted.

Their conviction rests in the minds of those who have written and endorsed the documents within the Bayne case file which is contained in one of the regional offices of the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The Ministry personnel were able to ignore the RCMP report of a lack of evidentiary data to charge the Baynes with a crime as grim as assaulting one’s own child. The Ministry can do that because it has been mandated by our Legislative Assembly to protect children and with the mandate comes sweeping power that annuls parental custodial rights and freedom over one’s own children.

Noticeably and unacceptably, in Canada a person may be convicted of a crime that the person has not committed. Sadly, when such a wrongful conviction occurs, it can occur without supporting legal evidence of guilt but rather by undemanding suspicion based on a doctor’s best diagnostic deduction.

So for two years and two months, three children have been forced to live in the homes of strangers (foster parents). That means that out of one family of five, all five members who did not commit a crime and have not been convicted of anything, have nonetheless been penalized and yet they cannot even have one another for mutual comfort and solace. No, instead, a five year old boy in the arms of his daddy at the end of a pre-Christmas visit asked, “Daddy can I come home yet?” Daddy, couldn’t make that promise. How do you think the child feels? This child has not been allowed home for two years. I am sure that the protection for children which the Legislative Assembly has in mind is not realized in the treatment directed to the Bayne family by this Ministry.

Protect Children - absolutely!
Reform and Rewrite the Mandate, Procedures, Accountability and Powers of MCFD. Unquestionably!
This will be done following this case - Decidedly!

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