Monday, December 7, 2009

Zabeth and Paul Bayne – Part 52 – The Bayne Campaign for Justice

I can’t stand it.
The Bayne family of five should be together permanently. They should be together for Christmas. It should one of the innumerable family sleepovers until those three children are responsible adult children.

This is not merely an emotional response for me. This is a deeply felt sense of what is right. I am horrified by the perceived if not real callousness of some public servants involved with this case.

Understand this please. I believe that with sincere professionalism, a medical practitioner made an informed diagnosis about Bethany’s condition and the cause. I surmise that this doctor may no longer be convinced it was the right call, particularly when the Baynes can call a medical expert for each of the twelve days of Christmas to contest the diagnosis as faulty.
Paul and Zabeth Bayne have borne an undeserved penalty far too long now – over two years without their children living in their home. They have endured the suspicion of a government ministry the power and authority of which is offloaded down so many layers of bureaucracy, the crown doesn’t know what the foot soldiers are doing. In stark contrast to the paper policies and media pronouncements of disclosure and openness, the decisions about the childhoods of three Canadian children remain concealed in a secrecy that is guised as protection of privacy. Those who have directly affected this injustice against an entire family rarely communicate with the parents; seldom provide the courtesy of an acknowledgement to correspondence. Officials higher up the agency chain refuse to comment because they can refuse. In order to protest their innocence, a Canadian couple can be compelled by this fat citizen funded system to forfeit all economic collateral in order to hire legal representation. They have.

Nothing specific or verifiable in Paul’s and Zabeth’s personal or family history supports prolonged suspicion. There is no incontestable evidence that either parent injured their baby daughter. Police abandoned that investigation hours after it was first reasonably conducted. The Ministry’s own lawyer has informed the Ministry many months ago that the two boys should certainly be returned to the parents because there is no defensible ground to keep them. This is a ministry that affirms that one of its principal objectives is to restore custody of children to parents.
Paul and Zabeth are fit parents. They have demonstrated this valiantly under the most trying circumstances, with just a few hours of visitation privilege each week, and with understandable calls and letters regarding their children’s health and well being when they flag concerns that are missed within the foster parenting program or ignored by MCFD that do not want to fund further medical examination. All three children should be returned to Zabeth and Paul.

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1 comment:

  1. Ursula wrote this today...
    "I think of this family often. It is not only heartrending, but callous. The system is destroying, not only the family as a whole, but also the lives of the children who will be terrified and angry. I have often told the tale and redirected to your blog for details. Keep up the fight." Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
    Columnist / Photographer / Editor


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