My own life is almost spent. Sure I may have many years to live. Yet my energetic working years are done. The strong blond man of my high school and college years lives only in pictures seldom viewed by anyone. My children now in their own mid years don’t remember me in my youth. In their minds they have only grown accustomed to the ‘me’ with escalating limitations. Their children will always know me ‘old.’ Grandpa I am.
I am not complaining. This is life. It’s good. There are large measures of joy and satisfaction attached to this personal definition of life in Canada.
That’s why the wounded lives of Paul and Zabeth Bayne and their children Kent, Baden and Bethany trouble me so much.
My life came this far without the incidence of anything disruptive either when I was a single man or during my married life. My children have grown through childhood and adolescence and into adulthood within the comforting environs of dependable harmony, supply and possibilities. Through all the years, for most of our family peer group this was normality. Do I think every family should have the same experience? It’s not reasonable. But I can tell you unequivocally that I don’t believe the Baynes should be enduring the broken family unit, the financial ruin, the daily tears, the eyes of three children filled with worry and doubt about so many things that should not harass a child in Canada.

Justice needs to be served on a silver platter to this family so that what remains of three children’s formative years will be spent in the affectionate and daily embrace of parents who love them so tenaciously that they will plead ardently until the custody of their children is restored to them. They will also unceasingly declare their innocence. They will never admit to a guilt that is implied by a two year old medical diagnosis of baby Bethany which has not be confirmed and which a long list of medical professionals dispute.
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