I interact via email each day with Zabeth and Paul. On Monday I wrote to her and didn't hear back until evening. I was gripped by what she wrote to me privately and asked for her permission to share these thoughts. This is what it feels like to be them.
"We didn't get to see our children on Sunday, but did see them today from 1:00 until 4:00. We are emotionally drained before and afterwards as it is so traumatic for all of us to meet under supervision and then have no choice but "walk away". Our children don't understand and we shudder to think of the possible damage to them emotionally with their stability, security and the feelings of being wanted by their parents. It is barbaric to continually withhold a family's God ordained privilege to be together.
All of our hearts weep silently during the visit as we all try to relish the moments we have together. After we leave, the tears freely flow as they are now when I write. It is helpful to share with you, as you understand the joy we had when we had our children with us and how we treasured every moment. We kept daily diaries on our little ones and what may have seemed unremarkable to an observer was a miracle to us as they grew. Now after hearing our story and reading what is in our hearts, I know you understand a little of the pain that is embedded in our hearts, but not without hope.
Like Abraham laid Isaac on the altar we have had to lay our children before our Lord to protect and care for and as we do we anticipate His intervening hand to walk all of us down that mountain again."

Zabeth's reference to Abraham and his son Isaac is an allusion to the sacrifice God called Abraham to make as he tested Abraham's faith. The story is a classic, because Abraham's obedient faith empowers him to do the unthinkable, offer his own son as an actual sacrifice in Old Testament style. It's horrific in the extreme. It's unimaginable. It's a poignant story because Isaac is the offspring from whom God's promises to Abraham concerning a family and a future should come. Abraham realized that if God demanded this, He could also raise Isaac to life again if necessary to affect the promises. God keeps his promises. There on that distant mountain top, God stopped Abraham an instant before the act was accomplished and provided for the father and the son, a ram to be presented as the needed offering.
We don't present such offerings any more. Christ became that for us, is the Christian belief. The Heavenly Father making the same sacrifice of his own Son. Christians like Zabeth and Paul offer themselves as a daily living sacrifice so they can honour God by their living. That's commendable isn't it? Clearly Zabeth and Paul draw strength from the application of this ancient text to their own present hardship - knowing that God can supply what their children need and what they themselves need right now, and ultimately redeem this situation and give them back their family. God has given them you and other advocates, and a sympathetic lawyer and other supportive resource people, and medical professionals, and His own deep abiding presence.
Please sign the petition and pass it on. It's free, no donation required, just do it!
"Bayne Campaign for Justice Petition"
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