Sign a Petition please!
Some supporters of the Bayne Campaign for Justice have left notes for the rest of us to read on the Signatures Page of the Petition Site.
Here is one.
"The Baynes are past clients of mine and they are the finest type of people, the ministry needs to give them their children back asap and investigate themselves."
"Given the unqualified commendation of mutual friends, and the results of the RCMP investigation, I strongly advocate that the Ministry reverse their decision in this case."
The previous blog posts have been intended to inform readers to garner support for Paul and Zabeth Bayne to recover their children from the Ministry of Children and Family Development. You can do that by writing authorities. Presently I am inviting your signatures to a petition site called Bayne Campaign for Justice. When you go to the site, you can press the signatures tab to see who has signed before you. You have the option of leaving your full name, a first name or even remaining anonymous. Please at least go to the site and read the petition statement. Perhaps our gathered advocate voice can influence the media and the Ministry personnel to change a very bad course of action. Thank you.
Here is the petition page called Bayne Campaign for Justice.
If you are a praying person, pray for Paul and Zabeth and Kent, Baden and Bethany.
Would you consider sending this url to your friends? http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Baynekids?e
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