I have just read the submission of the BC Association of Social Workers to the BC Liberal Government with respect to the Budget 2010. The Association does not merely request - it reprimands.

When serious criticism of the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development comes from an entire association of people inside the Ministry establishment, it is very significant. I am aware that their frustration and concern stems from the shortcomings they see, the reduced funding, the increased workloads and the suffering reputation of child care services generally. Yet the expressions of dismay in this presentation resemble the faults that generate heartache for people like Paul and Zabeth Bayne. At the same time the concerns you read here help to explain why the Baynes have still not been united with their three children. The declarations are disturbing.
You can read the entire submission at this title, THE HIGH COST OF NOT CARING Submission to the 2010 BC Budget Consultation. I am giving you some excerpts that stand out to me.
“We have witnessed the rapid erosion and dismantling of the child welfare and child and family serving systems and its toll on our most vulnerable people in BC.
“Since 2001, the Ministry of Children and Family Development has been reeling chaotically, confused, and stumbling in the dark. The child protection, childcare and child and family supporting systems have been cut to the bone. The entire system of care for BC’s children and families is inadequately funded. We have seen many tragic examples of how MCFD is failing to meet its basic child protection mandate through systemic inadequacy.”
“The Representative for Children and Youth reported the following in her recently released Annual Report: ‘In 2008/09 in BC, approximately 14,500 children and youth lived outside their parental home. About 60 per cent of those were in care and more than half were Aboriginal children and youth. In addition, nearly 4,400 children and youth lived out of parental placements in the home of a relative, over 600 were on youth agreements and 188 were in kith and kin arrangements. In some instances, government takes on full parental roles for these children and youth. In others it is not so clear where responsibility and accountability rests for the day-to-day care of children, their guardianship or their well-being. Many of these children are in limbo and my Office continues to advocate for a stronger system of supports for them, with proper guardianship.’” (p.5)
“MCFD consistently fails to respond to independent reports regarding child safety, well being and monitoring, such as the many reports released by the Representative for Children and Youth.”
“The four most cited reasons for (social workers) leaving MCFD’s child protection front lines include “unmanageable caseloads, a lack of confidence in all levels of leadership and management, high stress levels, and a lack of preventative and supportive resources for children and families.”
“There is internal organizational chaos and confusion as people bump from regions and teams are reconfigured. With the loss of auxiliary social workers, children at-risk and families needing support are pushed to the side for more “restructuring.” Caseloads are not theoretical; they are children at risk of being abused and neglected, and in many areas around BC the state is neither monitoring nor supporting them, except for emergency triaging and reactive, crisis-based band aid work until their files can be closed.”
“We ask the BC government to dedicate the 2010 budget to the interests of dignity, human rights and respect for all our citizens.”
To encourage MCFD to return three children to their parents, perhaps you will sign a petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Baynekids/

"Bayne Campaign for Justice Petition"
Join the growing number of people who are signing a petition to have the children returned to Paul and Zabeth. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Please sign your full name, even though the anonymous option is offered. The name counts.
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