Such an Easy Resolution is Such a Leap of Faith for MCFD
Never have Paul or Zabeth said they do not want the responsibility of raising their three children.
Never has Zabeth regretted giving birth to her children.
Never has Paul wished that he didn’t have children.
Never have they expressed that they are glad that the children are not in their home.
On the contrary, for two years all that Paul and Zabeth have thought about and all they have lived for was their children, seeing them on visitation days and attempting to do all within their power to persuade the Ministry of Children and Family Development that does have the custody of the Bayne children, that they, the birth parents, are capable, responsible and loving parents with whom these three children will be completely safe and happy.
But a handful of MCFD staff has not been convinced. They have not been persuaded that the medical evidence of Shaken Baby is not conclusive in Bethany’s case. They have not been won over by alternate explanations for the head trauma. After two years of observation of parental faithfulness in difficult conditions, they cannot let go of their concern that these parents are a threat to their children. This is in spite of all assessment and investigatory reports that maintain no evidence exists that the boys were ever harmed or that they might be harmed by these parents.
I still believe that with a fresh and unbiased examination of all the Bayne file information, these officials will make the decision to authorize the return not only of Paul and Zabeth’s two sons but their little daughter. Two year old Bethany must be allowed to go home. She will be secure and happy and loved in the care and custody of her parents who have loved her before she even entered this world.

"Bayne Campaign for Justice Petition"
Join the growing number of people who are signing a petition to have the children returned to Paul and Zabeth. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Please sign your full name, even though the anonymous option is offered. The name counts.
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