This is Remembrance Day in Canada. Each November 11th, my countrymen mark the day with a moment of silence to remember the men and women who have served and continue to serve Canada during times of war, conflict and peace. More than 100,000 have died in order to preserve our peace. By remembering everyone who has served we honour them for enduring hardships, fears, losses so that we may enjoy our freedoms.
We too often take for granted our freedom, values and opportunities and the right to elect the government of our choice. I remember the Queen’s father King George VI who in 1939 said, "Without freedom there can be no enduring peace and without peace no enduring freedom."
From the Vets website I quote this paragraph. “By remembering their service and their sacrifice, we recognize the tradition of freedom these men and women fought to preserve. They believed that their actions in the present would make a significant difference for the future, but it is up to us to ensure that their dream of peace is realized.”
It is because of my father, and perhaps yours and others and our brothers, sisters and mothers that I have the freedom to ask on a different day, that the Ministry of Children and Family Development reconsider the information that led to their decisions regarding Kent, Baden and Bethany Bayne – decisions that have kept them from their mom and dad ostensibly to protect them. In an effort to responsibly shield these children, MCFD employees in a lengthy and complex series of actions and choices have deprived these children and their parents of a freedom they have a right to enjoy in Canada. In a land of freedom, this family deserves the freedom to live as a family.
I also have freedom to ask you to sign the petition you will read on this linked page.

"Bayne Campaign for Justice Petition"
Join the growing number of people who are signing a petition to have the children returned to Paul and Zabeth. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Please sign your full name, even though the anonymous option is offered. The name counts.
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