Doug Christie is representing them and he stands for truth, freedom and justice.
He is not the conventional lawyer. He has a nation wide reputation. Mr. Doug Christie has come alongside this troubled couple when all their resources were consumed and they were left without legal representation in contesting for custody of their own three children. His involvement makes this story take on a new and hopeful dimension.
Mr. Christie has many critics, understandably because he has chosen to defend some of the most controversial defendants in Canadian history. Because he specializes in cases where the issues are freedom of speech and individual rights about which Christie is passionate, he has represented James Keegstra, Ernst Zundel, John Ross Taylor and Malcolm Ross before the Supreme Court of Canada, David Ahenakew before the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench and the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, and Lady Jane Birdwood before the Queen’s Bench and the Court of Appeal in London, England. Mr. Christie also draws fire because respecting his personal liberty and his own right to free speech; he speaks against big government, and speaks for an independent western Canada and speaks against Ottawa deciding unsuitable immigration, two official languages, banking, international trade and unpatriotic foreign policy. Sure he sounds like a separatist. He views himself as a reformer for whom a new nation of Western Canada is the only option. His website Western Canada Concept details these views. He founded the Western Block Party in 2002.
He writes a blog called Authenticity
This is one of many YouTube videos he produces and this one is called 'Overcoming Threats to Freedom' Once on that YouTube site, you will find a list of his online commentaries.

“I know defending Dr. Ahenakew, Mr. Keegstra, Mr. Zundel and others has made me a target for my enemies. It is a lever to trick people into condemning me. But I reasoned that if I did not have the courage to defend the unpopular, free speech would die and Western Canada would be as corrupt and shallow as Canada has become.”http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Baynekids/ PLEASE SIGN FOR THE BAYNE FAMILY!
“I find bullies repulsive and gang violence most offensive. The one thing I find in common among the thousands of people I've defended in the past 35 years as a lawyer, was the fact they needed a defender because they were weak. I became their defender so they would not stand alone against the mob.”
In reference to the challenges he has faced he writes.
“After the many clients I have represented, I have been perceived as a right-wing extremist, Nazi, or anti-Semite. These smear words are inaccurate, unfair and obscure in their meaning. That's how smear words work. …I am an individualist. I assert my right to be measured as an individual and I recognize every other person's right to be so assessed, as well. “
“My major challenge is to have myself and my thoughts and words assessed on their individual merits, rather than being stereotyped, slandered and written-off as most people in the media have already done. I am not in fact as I am represented by my enemies. I am a complex person with an essentially altruistic, generous, intelligent nature, upon which is superimposed a genuine desire to be a follower and servant of Jesus Christ.” … “I seek to build a better world for my people (Western Canadians) and all mankind. My major challenge in brief is to be taken seriously after what has been said about me.”
“It has liberated me from fear of what others think. I know the truth and the truth knows me. I serve the God of Truth. The opinions of men are sadly and perpetually misinformed in this world and there is little or nothing I can do about it.”
“So come what may, I will stand for truth, freedom and justice. These three are really one, combined like the Holy Trinity.”

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