Paul and Zabeth Bayne need our help. Their three children were removed from their home on October 22, 2007. It is difficult to define justice but reasonable people always know when justice is missing. It is missing in their case.
If you are unfamiliar with all the details of their story my brief synopsis of their despair will introduce you. Your interest may translate into justice for them.
Paul and Zabeth have three children, Kent, born October 18, 2004; Baden, born June 12, 2005; and Bethany, born August 3, 2007. Bethany and her brothers were taken from the Bayne’s home by the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development on October 22, 2007. Bethany was two months old at that time and she has not been home since then. She is two years old now and those years have been spent in foster care homes.
This child was seized when the concerned parents took their struggling two month old daughter to the hospital following what Zabeth reported as an accident in which one of the small boys fell on the infant’s head. Bethany became ill and was taken to various hospitals and finally to Vancouver’s Sick Children’s Hospital in the ensuing days. On the one hand medical professionals are to be commended for doing their job and flagging what might have potentially been parental abuse. But careful analysis and courtesies and common sense and wisdom were surrendered to the easy suspicion that one of these parents had shaken this baby causing the head injury. The children were taken from the parents in order to protect the children.
In the weeks and months that followed, the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) was inundated with letters speaking to the parents’ character, integrity and reliability. There was nothing to suggest their guilt other than an unexplained head trauma. RCMP investigated their case and cleared them of liability in Bethany’s condition. The MCFD has maintained its position based on an unsubstantiated presumption of non accidental injury and parental guilt and risk to the children. The tale is tangled and does not reflect well on the Ministry at the moment.
Today the Bayne family desperately needs someone with your objectivity to become interested enough to help them recover their family.
I am asking you to consider signing this petition so we can ascertain the level of support for the Baynes that may influence our BC Ministry of Children to return the children to their birth parents. Please inform yourself by reading some of the blog posts at
We should sign with full names rather than the anonymous option if possible.

"Bayne Campaign for Justice Petition"
Join the growing number of people who are signing a petition to have the children returned to Paul and Zabeth. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Please sign your full name, even though the anonymous option is offered. The name counts.
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