I shared the following thoughts recently with someone whom I respect and admire, who is multi-gifted, generous to a fault, intelligent and creative and driven and goal oriented and loves God.
Quite a special person you are thinking. I would agree. I wrote to him because he has large dreams and they often involve people and I felt people were disappointing him.
From Micah 6:8 the familiar sound of “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? The question mark at the end of the sentence in the English version suggests that the entire statement is the question rather than the last part being a statement. It’s a virtual “how did you miss this – you already know the answer.” So from my perspective, in light of the scathing indictment in the previous verses, directed at God’s people who seem to have lost sight of who God is and all that He has the capacity to accomplish, comes the only conclusion at which one can arrive when God is omni-everything. And what does the LORD require of you O man, surely not something outstanding and attention grabbing, but rather what you already know. Isn’t it to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God? Hint, hint!!! That is Micah’s emphatic question.
Essentially what I was saying is that each of us, while disappointed by others, is responsible to God for ourselves. I am very sure that the decisions that should return Paul’s and Zabeth’s children to them could be made this afternoon when the people who must make them are exercising justice, cherishing kindness and above all walking humbly with God. I also know that in our law oriented and litigious culture, the decision makers can, well almost predictably default to the court to make the decisions for them. That is disappointing. It preserves the tension between the parents and the caregiving protection agency for which we should be thankful. So Paul and Zabeth will have to wait for that court date. In the meantime, they themselves will have to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. If you are someone who has found yourself sympathetic to the Baynes and what is to you convincingly an injustice then you are disappointed too for their sakes. Don’t forget what God expects of you, of us. This ministry has it on paper that it is interested in returning children to their parents, and this is one couple whose life demonstration emphatically demands that these three precious children be permitted to live happily ever after with their mom and dad who have never done anything but to love and to protect them from the moment of their births. So burn brightly everyone! Let your light shine!
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