I am absolutely confident that the Ministry of Children and Family Development have over the course of years, prevented children from being seriously injured and even saved their lives. Many of those children I am sure found homes with foster and adoptive parents where they experienced loving nurture and a level of committed care they didn’t know existed.
However, how prolific must misdiagnoses be in North America that innocent people and advocates for innocent people create an entire defence program and a website to assist one another to overcome the assaults of government children’s agencies that ostensibly protect children but in more cases than any of us desire to know, destroy entire families and squander children’s futures.

Here is a website called Shaken Baby Syndrome Defense. It wouldn’t exist apart from the appalling quantity of parents and caregivers who have been suspected, charged, convicted and sentenced wrongfully for shaking a baby, when in fact the physical symptoms being flagged have been misdiagnosed.
Presently, reporting regulations require that when retinal hemorrhages and subdural hematomas are discovered in a child, the child is immediately referred to protective services. A mitigating factor must be a believable story from the parent or care giver. If that story doesn’t sell, then the SBS diagnosis is applied and the caregiver is put under suspicion and possibly charged. Charges will not be laid if the story is supported by a credible witness or two. However, if the story cannot be corroborated and if it is merely a story about a household mishap rather than a motor vehicle accident or something traumatically awful, SBS is the fall back assessment. The child will not receive further testing for alternative causes.
That is precisely what happened in the Bethany Bayne household family accident in which a tiny brother stumbled and fell on his infant sister and mommy and daddy reported this to medical professionals when they delivered Bethany for examination following her worrying post accident symptoms. Their story was discounted and they were charged, interrogated, cleared, charges dropped, record expunged BUT,BUT, BUT, the Fraser regional division of MCFD still doubted the integrity of their story and the decision was made to retain custody of Bethany Bayne. Over the convoluted incidents of time, two years, all three children of Paul and Zabeth Bayne have been taken into the care system of the state.
Do you want to see this fractured family reunited? Pray! Write to MCFD! Sign this Petition. Do not make an ONLINE DONATION at this petition site. Once you sign, exit the site.

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