Wednesday, September 22, 2010


They were within weeks of having to give their child over to the Ministry. Dana's videod story will touch your heart.

“Grateful and Giving Back” was the title of the piece in The Surrey Leader on Sept 15th in which the story of the Sears family was told. Then today Sept 22nd , a followup letter was printed in the Surrey/North Delta Leader which expresses the outrage many readers and citizens experience when the system that protects our province's children is so misinformed about what is in the best interests of a child that it does something as appallingly illogical as this. to make us wonder what vacuous people occupy foolish

Chelsea Haeber wrote the Sept 15th story about Joshua, 4, Mason, 2, and Carter, 1 and their parents Dana and Nick Sears. Chelsea told us that the middle child Mason, was born with an abnormality. We learned from her that Mason suffers from dysphagia, a condition that allows into his lungs any liquid that he swallows. The muscle that should close the entry to his lungs when he swallows is delayed but this cannot be corrected surgically because it is a neurological disability since his brain doesn't make the necessary connection. Further, when food enters his stomach it is not properly digested so his nutrition levels suffer and that affects his development. Mason goes to school with a five-pound black knapsack on his back containing a G-Tube, a medical bag filled with food – a beige liquid containing enzymes to help with digestion and a small pump, which sends 55 ml of the liquid into Mason’s stomach every hour. He wears this 21 hours each day. He could not live without this. Who gave it to him? Our government? No, no, no. And “Mason’s feeding costs are around $100 a day, that works out to $36,000 a year, and his feeding system needs a constant supply of feeding bags, tubes, syringes and valves,” Dana says. Who pays for that? Our government? Noooo!
“When Mason had his G-tube surgery, the Sears were told the costs would be government-funded. But because Mason never had a specific diagnosis of the underlying problem that causes dysphagia, he did not qualify for any of the existing funding programs – causing the Sears to go deeply into debt. Within two years, they lost their home, moved to a one-bedroom apartment and were preparing for another child.” (Leader story). They tried the government for help again, No go. Then President’s Choice (Superstore charity) and again a NO. But, Variety – The Children’s Charity took them on. Yeah for Variety.
The reader who wrote a letter to the editor processed the information this way and correctly. “For Mason to receive help from the government he has to be removed from his home and then the government will not only pay for his care, but for a complete stranger to take care of him.
 Surely Minister Mary Polak and Deputy Minister Dutoit and their teams, you must know that the policies that produce this kind of thinking must change. Surely you must agree that it would be wiser to pour money into this family's life while they are together rather than taking him away and paying foster parents and still paying for his medical costs. Or are you satisfied that a non-profit charity is looking after this. And in the event that this money one day dries up, will you then take the child away or assist the family? Can you understand why ordinary citizens become so upset?


  1. "Surely you must agree that it would be wiser to pour money into this family's life while they are together rather than taking him away and paying foster parents and still paying for his medical costs. ..."

    "Child protection" is nothing more than a scam to transfer wealth from taxpayers to special interests in the industry brokered by "child protection" social workers. Everyone, especially the top dogs, in MCFD know this too well. That's why they do what they do, ie. tearing families apart so that special interests could have a job or an opportunity to make money. Lawyers representing MCFD keep dragging on and on to milk more fees. Bureaucrats welcome this with an open arm so that they can ask for a larger budget next year. They work overtime to protect their jobs so that they can continue to work overtime. Often, they create or enhance the very problems they are hired to solve.

    When money dries up, politicians raise the tax. Taxpayers have deep pockets and are always an indirect victim. Will they change this? Not a chance unless we all rise en mass to fight corruption and oppression at all costs.

    How many children must die, how much atrocities like what the Baynes have suffered and how much more taxes like the HST people must pay before Canadians will see that child removal authority does more harm than good and must be revoked without delay?

  2. It needs to be presented as a Health issue, not a child welfare / protection issue. If the boy winds up in the hospital, it becomes the health authority responsibility to take care of it.

    I wonder if Variety would fund a lawyer to help the family get all that money back that should have been paid by health insurance.

    MCFD cannot foist the problem onto the child protection system, who then puts the child into foster care, who THEN brings the boy back to the hospital anyways to obtain the remedy.

    The fundamental problem is MCFD wants all funds to flow THROUGH their system. They really, really hate having to give money to people to help them. If they overpay you on child tax credits for example, they will fight tooth and nail to get those pennies back from you.

    If you or your child suffers from a definable medical issue, which it would certainly seem this case qualifies, medical insurance is SUPPOSED to cover it.

    It is certainly heartwarming to hear Variety stepping in to support this family.

    I have a friend who's son suffers from a very rare disease that BC's medical coverage did not cover, both other Provinces and States did. He started a campaign to have the cost covered by medical, and eventually it was.


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