Tuesday, November 11, 2014



From the moment she wakes,
she’s preoccupied. Eagerly,
she readies herself to go.
Today is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Pajamas, tooth brush, a child’s cosmetics,
fresh undies and a change of clothes,
She remembers well and she packs her own bag.
Today is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

She cannot contain her excitement.
Her eyes wide, bright, and her breakfast down,
She waits, bag beside her, then her ride arrives
because this is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Captive princess, she’s chauffeured,
Arriving to be encircled in a mother’s love.
Quickly into her pajamas she changes,
Her own insurance that tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

A day filled with activities,
Fun things for a girl and her mom,
Baking cookies, watching videos, reading a story,
Normal things in an abnormal time,
And tonight she’s sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Written by Ron Unruh, March 2013

© Copyright BY RON UNRUH, marking an occasion when Ayn Van Dyk, an autistic child was allowed to stay overnight at her mother's house, for the first time in three years. At age eleven Ayn wandered from her family back yard and when found, the Ministry of Children seized the child to investigate parental capacity, taking an excessively long time to resolve this case. She is now permanently at home with mom.