Quotes from Supporters
Four hundred and ninety-four people have already signed the petition and left a brief note. Thirty people signed today. Here is a collection of some of the expressions of sadness, grief, alarm, fear and concern from people who are sympathetic with Paul and Zabeth Bayne and their three children and their loss of a family identity.
1. “Please review this decision and send these children home! My heart cries that when parents make the decision to take their child for medical care they should not have their children removed for something beyond their control but be applauded for approaching the need with speed and asking for help from the medical community! What has this done to the children and what will it do to them if they are not allowed to return to their parents?!”
2. “…empathetic--similar experience in our family but ours was to a lesser degree…”
3. “May the beautiful blessing of family and children be restored back to the Baynes and may they be together blessed ever so abundantly, more than we could ever ask or imagine...!”
4. “I have witnessed this ministry make mistakes before ~ the most difficult thing for them is to ever admit they are wrong.”
5. “I pray that common sense and justice would rise and that the Bayne family may be reunited. I truly think this is a horrific abuse of justice that must be revisited with open eyes.”
6. “Praying fervently for the return of your children.”
7. “These children should be returned as soon as possible to their parents in the name of justice!”
8. “I understand fully. My children have been 'taken' from me also. I am pressing charges... Good luck and lets break this cycle of abuse.”
9. “Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated and cleared the Baynes of liability in Bethany’s condition. - Why is the MCFD not obeying the law and returning the kids to their parents?”
10. “How very sad for these parents and poor children taken from them. What happened to "innocent before proven guilty?”
11. “Enough is enough!”
We want 1,000 signatures by Christmas.
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