The good news is coming but first read the reprise of this situation. If you have been following the long running story of the two-year old Metis girl in her foster parents’ care since her birth and with her biological parents living nearby with cooperative access to their child. The foster parents want to adopt the child and the biological parents are okay with that. All of them have been opposed to the Ministry of Children’s plan to remove the child and transport her from Vancouver Island to Ontario and an adoptive family that already contains the girl’s two brothers. On one hand you can see some merit in connecting all three children. It vanishes quickly. The overwhelming verdict is that this was a bad decision because the girl has never met these boys. The proposed adoptive family in Ontario is non-Metis, non First-Nation with no association with Metis culture or events. After much publicity and after hearings, the foster parents have won an injunction permitting them to keep the toddler. You can read the full story in the CBC, and other news agency links below.