This recent trilogy of posts began with my attribution to Derek Hoare of several statements concerning the drug chlorpromazine being administered to his daughter Ayn. When an anonymous writer took issue with that content, I found that Iacking knowledge of the drug I could not suitably answer. Furthermore, the writer questioned why Aime was not given custody of Ayn when the child was removed from Derek. I invited comments by Facebook respondents familiar with the drug as well as with Derek and Aime (Mom). Reactions were immediate, defensive of Derek and Aime, offended by the seeming insinuations by Anonymous. Among the expressions came the genuinely faultless answer by Aime herself, published here yesterday. Today, I am relating by direct quotation, the patient and well-informed account by Derek.
In this global community I have a reliable GPS that delivers dependable information and confidence of arrival at my destination. ©Ron Unruh 2009
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012

That was the question posed by a commenter on my blog site.
Many of us took exception to the question being posed at all?
I have done some further thinking about the question because Aime herself provided an answer to the question. Once you begin reading, you had better continue to the end before you form an opinion about my motivation.
I bring the matter forward yet again, precisely to highlight Aime’s admirable response and to underscore the chain of errors in the administration of this family’s case. The MCFD is so far off the mark of what is in Ayn’s best interests, it can hardly claim that as an acceptable motto any longer.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Criminals and Lawbreakers
Ray Ferris retired from a a career with the Ministry of Children and Family Development at a time prior to the present Child, Family and Community Services Act which empowers the current Ministry of Children and Family Development. He has been an unapologetic critic of Ministry mistakes, practices and case management for some time. He contributes comments here and occasionally I print his material as the primary post for the day. This is one of Ferris' posts. Ray is the author of 'The Art of Child Protection'. You can purchase it from him by writing to
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Derek Hoare wondered out loud in his Facebook comment, how when a child’s relationship with parents has been nothing but positive, that social workers in the Ministry of Children and Family Development can possibly deduce that a parent’s love is not essential to the equation of peace in the life of a child disturbed by living away from home and among strangers no matter how efficient and caring they may be.
That curiosity was born as my previous two blog posts intimated, from the cancellation of a visitation opportunity between mother and daughter, between Aime and Ayn. Ayn is autistic and meltdowns are common with many people dealing with autism. Reason counsels one not to punish a child for a meltdown by cancelling a visit with her mother, or by dulling a child’s senses so she cannot manage a visit. Good social working skills equip one to instinctively know that a loving parent’s involvement will likely raise the spirit of a troubled child and stem the possibility of another collapse hours later.
That curiosity was born as my previous two blog posts intimated, from the cancellation of a visitation opportunity between mother and daughter, between Aime and Ayn. Ayn is autistic and meltdowns are common with many people dealing with autism. Reason counsels one not to punish a child for a meltdown by cancelling a visit with her mother, or by dulling a child’s senses so she cannot manage a visit. Good social working skills equip one to instinctively know that a loving parent’s involvement will likely raise the spirit of a troubled child and stem the possibility of another collapse hours later.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I am continuing the discussion Derek was having with the issues surrounding a cancellation of a visit by Ayn’s mom, Aime. He wrote publicly on September 5th to air his concerns with the way such a decision was made. This was not the first time that Derek has felt that their parental interests were met with discourtesy.

Sunday, September 16, 2012
I want you to be aware of the substance of a statement carried online on the open Facebook page dedicated to advocacy for Ayn’s return to her biological parental custody and care. Look up 'Help Bring little Autistic girl back to her Daddy.'
Derek Hoare is Ayn’s father and on September 5th he was commenting on a disagreeable situation. His ex-wife Amie Van Dyk with whom he has an amicable and respectful relationship and with whom he shares the deep desire for restoration of full parental rights with regard to their daughter Ayn, reported that she had been refused visitation time. (As you may know, Ayn is in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development since June 16, 2011, four days after she wandered from her back yard for a three-hour jaunt, and MCFD workers deemed that she required care and assessment and stronger control and that Derek as primary caregiver to three children, two of whom are autistic, required their assistance. Taking his child, immediately loading her with psychotropic drugs and locking his life into cycle of legal contest to retrieve her is that which Ministry personnel have accomplished.)
Derek Hoare is Ayn’s father and on September 5th he was commenting on a disagreeable situation. His ex-wife Amie Van Dyk with whom he has an amicable and respectful relationship and with whom he shares the deep desire for restoration of full parental rights with regard to their daughter Ayn, reported that she had been refused visitation time. (As you may know, Ayn is in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development since June 16, 2011, four days after she wandered from her back yard for a three-hour jaunt, and MCFD workers deemed that she required care and assessment and stronger control and that Derek as primary caregiver to three children, two of whom are autistic, required their assistance. Taking his child, immediately loading her with psychotropic drugs and locking his life into cycle of legal contest to retrieve her is that which Ministry personnel have accomplished.)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
AUGUST 2,3,4 Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation Conference

2013 will mark the third year for this conference. I have attended both of the last two and I am hoping to take in the next one as well. The information that I share now is intended to interest you in this opportunity and to explore the Conference website and possibly to register for it. You should bookmark the Conference url and schedule the dates into your personal calendar.
August 2,3,4 2013
The third annual E.B.M.S.I. conference is designed for both families falsely accused of child abuse and the professionals and paraprofessionals who work with child abuse cases. The faculty includes physicians and attorneys, expert witnesses and advocates and social service professionals. These experts come ready to work with and learn from each other and the attendees.
The conference curriculum covers the fundamentals of evidence-based medicine and its role in improving how investigators and decision makers handle suspected abuse cases. The goal is to help child protection services truly meet the needs of children and their families.
A service to increase accessibility was offered in 2012 and will be repeated and that is an online broadcast of Conference speakers. You will register and then be given a code so you can listen online if in-person attendance is impossible for you.
The venue once again will be Pacific Life Bible College located at 15030 – 66 A Avenue , Surrey, BC V3S 2A5 CANADA.
It is a convenient venue with adequate facilities for this conference and with some residence facility. The College is located on a 42-acre campus in Surrey, B.C. about 30 minutes from Vancouver, B.C., and 15 minutes from the Canada/U.S. border (Peace Arch Border Crossing). It offers a peaceful, wholesome, suburban setting that’s conducive to study; yet Canada’s third largest city, is readily accessible.
Some resources available presently by sending your request to are:
1. The book entitled, Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Enduced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? Written by Dr. Harold Buttram, M.D. and Christina England, Research Journalist. $20.00

3. All recordings of the EBMSI Conference including Faculty presentations, on a stick $20
Topics include:
▪ The evolving child abuse medical literature
▪ Medical mimics of abuse
▪ Defending against abuse allegations in both family and criminal court
▪ The standards and guidelines for child protection investigations and process
▪ The challenges of creating a bureaucracy to handle family matters
The faculty includes:
▪ Physicians from a variety of subspecialties
- Forensic Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Neuroradiology
- Biomechanical Experts
▪ Social Services Professionals
▪ Parents who have survived the system
Thursday, September 6, 2012
STEPHANIE CADIEUX, New Minister of Children and Family Development
The Honourable Stephanie Cadieux was elected in the Surrey-Panorama riding in 2009 and has served as the Minister of Social Development under the British columbia Liberal Party currently in power under the leadership of Christy Clark, Premier of the province. That is, until yesterday when she was given responsibility as Minister of Children and Family Development. That is, on the basis of another proviso, until the Liberals are defeated at the next election in 2013. I don't project a governing party upset with any certainty or prophetic confidence. Rather, the signs tell all observers, me among them, that the Liberal Party Caucus and Party morale is disintegrating before our eyes, with growing lack of confidence in Premier Clark and with increasing Liberal MLA resignations and announcements that they will not seek re-election.
I wish it were otherwise if only for Ms. Cadieux's sake because she is one of the good ones that we would do well to retain. She is shaped by life to be sensitive to people and to the dilemmas whatever they present. In this new portfolio I presume that she will bring wisdom to her interpretation of what is best for children and families and parents. My own concern is that Ministers do not last very long at the helm of the MCFD. It comes under much criticism when child protection fails and she will have to negotiate that painful aspect to her job. MCFD has not been publicly exposed and certainly not embarrassed enough with regard to the avalanche of unnecessary removals of children from parents who are able and willing to care for those children. Whether or not she can get up to speed with cases that require interception and correction and whether she will step between the legalities and protocols to straighten cases out remains to be seen.
I speak again specifically with reference to Ayn Van Dyk, 10 year old daughter of Aime Van Dyk and Derek Hoare. Aime and Derek are no longer married, but it was mutually agreed that Derek would be the principle caregiver. He has performed this duty for several years as a stay at home dad. Aime highly endorses Derek's performance as a father. He has two sons living with him one of whom is autistic, a pleasant boy, a gentle son. Autism is also that condition with which Ayn lives as well as she can. With Derek's help, Ayn did not require medication to control her behaviour when she lived at home. Derek spoke with her. Words and understanding calmed the girl, diffused the outbreaks. Of course when she was at school she was a challenge requiring significant assistance, and often Derek would be summoned from his home to come to school and handle Ayn. So much changed on June 12, 2011, when in keeping with autistic behaviour, Ayn wandered from her back yard. On that day Derek had no option but to call for RCMP assistance to locate her. Surprisingly she was found only several homes away in someone's back yard. She was returned to him that afternoon and the family was grateful and content until June 16, 2011 when social workers removed Ayn from her school and then informed Derek that she would be in their custody and care for the short term. They had asked him to sign off on a voluntary surrender of her to them for examination and whatever else they might do, and he understandably refused. No sooner was she seized, her body was subjected to several behaviour control drugs. Can you understand his outrage that his daughter who responded to his words was now reduced to a creature numbed by chemical. MCFD is required to support its retention of a child like Ayn with appropriate court orders and it has sufficient legal expertise and resources to affect such outcomes. Why MCFD chooses to do this with someone like Ayn and Derek and Aime and Ayn's two brothers is what is not understood by so many of us. If MCFD social workers spent any amount of time with Derek Hoare and genuinely listen and learn what kind of man he is and the kind of home environment to which Ayn would return, I am convinced they would write a revised report and make a recommendation to return the girl. It has now been over over 14 months, precisely 488 days today (September 6, 2012). This is plainly reprehensible. Ms. Cadieux needs to be apprised of this case. Sadly it is one of many where the MCFD have overstepped their mandated authority.
In 2009 my paintings hung for a time in Ms. Cadieux's new Surrey office.

I speak again specifically with reference to Ayn Van Dyk, 10 year old daughter of Aime Van Dyk and Derek Hoare. Aime and Derek are no longer married, but it was mutually agreed that Derek would be the principle caregiver. He has performed this duty for several years as a stay at home dad. Aime highly endorses Derek's performance as a father. He has two sons living with him one of whom is autistic, a pleasant boy, a gentle son. Autism is also that condition with which Ayn lives as well as she can. With Derek's help, Ayn did not require medication to control her behaviour when she lived at home. Derek spoke with her. Words and understanding calmed the girl, diffused the outbreaks. Of course when she was at school she was a challenge requiring significant assistance, and often Derek would be summoned from his home to come to school and handle Ayn. So much changed on June 12, 2011, when in keeping with autistic behaviour, Ayn wandered from her back yard. On that day Derek had no option but to call for RCMP assistance to locate her. Surprisingly she was found only several homes away in someone's back yard. She was returned to him that afternoon and the family was grateful and content until June 16, 2011 when social workers removed Ayn from her school and then informed Derek that she would be in their custody and care for the short term. They had asked him to sign off on a voluntary surrender of her to them for examination and whatever else they might do, and he understandably refused. No sooner was she seized, her body was subjected to several behaviour control drugs. Can you understand his outrage that his daughter who responded to his words was now reduced to a creature numbed by chemical. MCFD is required to support its retention of a child like Ayn with appropriate court orders and it has sufficient legal expertise and resources to affect such outcomes. Why MCFD chooses to do this with someone like Ayn and Derek and Aime and Ayn's two brothers is what is not understood by so many of us. If MCFD social workers spent any amount of time with Derek Hoare and genuinely listen and learn what kind of man he is and the kind of home environment to which Ayn would return, I am convinced they would write a revised report and make a recommendation to return the girl. It has now been over over 14 months, precisely 488 days today (September 6, 2012). This is plainly reprehensible. Ms. Cadieux needs to be apprised of this case. Sadly it is one of many where the MCFD have overstepped their mandated authority.
In 2009 my paintings hung for a time in Ms. Cadieux's new Surrey office.
Sep 11, 2009
Ms. Cadieux was voted one of Business in Vancouver's Top 40 under 40, in 2007. Prior to her election as a Liberal MLA Stephanie worked as director of marketing and development of BC Paraplegic Association. She is an ...
MLA: Hon. Stephanie Cadieux
formerly Minister of Social Development; now Minister of Children and Family Development September 2012
Elected: 2009
E-mail: Web site: | |||
Office: Room 236 Parliament Buildings Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 | Constituency: 120 – 5455 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 5A5 | ||
Phone: | 250 356-7750 | Phone: | 604 574-5662 |
Fax: | 250 356-7292 | Fax: | 604 574-5691 |
Sunday, September 2, 2012
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That's Ayn, 14 months in custody & away from family |
In Ayn's case, it is the Ministry of Children and Family Development in British Columbia that is responsible for this indefensible and entirely unnecessary heart-ache.
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