The writer asked a question concerning the work of child
protection social workers with respect to removing children from their parental
homes. “The one question
I can ask is why are there more removals per year (minimum 1-year
incarceration) than there are supervision orders (3-6 month expiry)?”
That is
an insightful question that might be met with the standard answer that time is
of the essence in protecting a child and delay with legalities would jeopardize
the child. Anticipating this platitude, the writer states, “The basic tenant of the CFCSA is
'...no less disruptive action before removal...' Then why do workers jump
immediately to removal before even considering services and supervision orders
Such an interesting analogy is then drawn and points made. “Social workers are as generic and
interchangeable as fast food employees, but far more dangerous. Imagine a
burger-flipper deciding for the customer (a child) by viewing their physical
appearance (too fat?) they change the order and deliver a healthy salad
instead. This event would become a national news story and become viral on
Youtube if it happened.”
The writer sounds like someone who is either interested enough
in this subject to take some initiative or is involved with the Ministry for
personal reasons. “I
asked workers some of these questions. The generic answer is 'we do what we do
to keep your children safe according to the CFCSA.' Under that umbrella, no
matter WHAT they do, they consider is 'good' for the child. (Parent's, well,
that is another story. They are essentially convicted perpetrators, no longer
parents if social workers have been assigned to their case.)”
Then the writer draws a comparison between social work and
school teaching with regard to ratio comparatives to children as well as the
time that each professional spends with a child. “There is practically a 1:1 relationship to a removed
child (and associated family members) and a social worker employee in B.C.
(2,600 workers in B.C., and 3,000 children removed yearly). There are 3,300
foster homes. Social worker time is spent preparing for removal, or dealing
with the aftermath of removal and preparing for court and arranging
visitations. Once children are permanently in custody, or long periods of time
elapse between court date, social worker interaction is very much reduced. The teacher-child ratio is very much
different case. There are 550,000 students in B.C. and 30,000 teachers. Yet,
teachers spend at least 5 hours each weekday with students. Social workers
interact no more than a few minutes a week with parent or child.
question to these workers that I would be asking is, exactly what are they
doing with their time if it is not spending that with the people they purport
to serve?
Then the writer draws personal conclusions, one being
explanatory and the last being understandably sardonic.
thought is these workers DO ask themselves these questions continuously. They
know the correct answer to provide, so the exercise of their employment is to
somehow make it appear the duty they are charged with is so vitally important
to our society, the annoying details of how they go about that task becomes a
distant secondary consideration.
the silent answer to all these questions is, you had better shut up and let
them do their jobs. That primary job is removing and "caring" for
children at exorbitant cost to the public.’