Among the three topics in tonight's show, is 'Kidnapping' that is, Terry and Kari are talking about social workers plans to remove Baby Sabina.
In this global community I have a reliable GPS that delivers dependable information and confidence of arrival at my destination. ©Ron Unruh 2009
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Among the three topics in tonight's show, is 'Kidnapping' that is, Terry and Kari are talking about social workers plans to remove Baby Sabina.
The city of York, Nebraska is located 54 miles from Lincoln, and Gresham is half way between, a bit north and east. The Koziseks live in Gresham.
On April 19th 2011, the York News source of York Nebraska published a story about a young father, Ryan Kozisek (29) of nearby Gresham, Neb., who was compelled to enter a plea with regard to his infant daughter’s death. She died on January 24, 2011. He pleaded not guilty to felony child abuse. This is again a shaken baby allegation, and in Ryan’s case, he is facing two charges. The first is called a Class 1B felony, consisting of child abuse that has resulted in death. The second charge is called a Class 2 felony which is child abuse that results in serious bodily injury. The latter charge relates to an accusation that two weeks prior to his daughter’s death he abused her causing a skull fracture. Further, Children’s Hospital physicians recorded the discovery of ‘older injuries.’
Ryan Kozisek |
Monday, May 30, 2011
The new Ministry lawyer is Dean Tate. Finn Jensen is no longer active in the Bayne case.
Robert Hamilton is a lawyer now working with the Baynes and in cooperation with Doug Christie who championed their cause until now. Each has agreed to specialty roles. Mr. Hamilton is very familiar with family law and child protection cases. Mr. Hamilton is the legal counsel who successfully represented the Rahman family in an equally contentious case. He is an Associate at the firm Lindsay Kenney LLP. Mr. Dean Tate lost an appeal on the Rahman shaken baby case (2009 BCSC 1073 / E083988 Vancouver). Mr. Robert Hamilton was the Rahman counsel at that time.
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Robert Hamilton |
Friday, May 27, 2011

( This is a mid-day edit because of clarified information)
We have known that June 2 is the concluding day
of the court appointed three month temporary care order for the three oldest
Bayne children. We naively thought that a court appearance immediately following
June 2 might entertain the possibility of a return of these children. MCFD has
numerous options to retain the children if it so chooses. Why do I speak so
sardonically? Because so many parents have already related their stories. All
of them helpless before the system. And then there is the Bayne Case itself.
Yesterday at a court appearance, the Ministry applied for an
extension and received it. It also merged the newborn Josiah Bayne case with
the case for the other three children so that all four sibling names appear on
the same documentation now. Lawyer Robert Hamilton is now working for the
Baynes and he managed to arrange a Case Conference in July that will be
presided over by a judge who listens to both sides and acts as a mediator but
does so with authority. Now we look forward to that. Meanwhile the Baynes
continue to work at the programs in which they are engaged as a means by which to
demonstrate their sincerity and capacity to parent safely and effectively.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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Tim Korol, "The Secret Shame" - CBC photo |
Yesterday I wrote about Tim Korol’s written report called “The
Secret Shame.” That was a month of May story. Korol, back in December 2010 went
public with his criticisms of the Social Services of Saskatchewan for which he
served as an assistant deputy minister. He had 16 years experience as a Saskatoon
policeman and 10 years experience with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
before being hired to provide advice to the province’s child welfare system
with regard to family interventions and placement of children in foster homes.
What he experienced was resistance to his recommended and
required changes because he was deemed an outsider.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
TIM KOROL & SASK'S 'Arrogant' Child Welfare System / 536
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CBC Photo: Tim Korol, Dep Min for 12 mo |
He has recently released a 40-page report entitled, 'The Secret Shame.' He held a press conference and then he submitted his report to the provincial government. In that report Korol relates his concerns about the child welfare system in Canada. The title is apt. Good choice. Blogs such as this one have a limited readership. The secret shame of child welfare, specifically the stories that spin from child apprehensions and the unfortunate cases within the fostering program, are unknown to the general public because they are undisclosed.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
There is a severe lack of faith in the leadership of so many institutions within our society. The deficit of leaders has affected child welfare and child protection.
Perhaps our social work education is preparing well motivated people to be effective managers. That takes a program only so far but not far enough. I believe that the critical need which exists within the Ministry of Children and Family Development is ‘leadership.’ I am distinguishing ‘leadership’ from ‘management.’ We have regions and teams that are being managed and some of them perhaps managed effectively. Make no mistake that some of the sad and broken family stories stem from parents whose own lives are so messed up that they have failed to function well as parents. Yet there are numerous other family stories that spin out from teams of social workers who have not been led well, by example or principle. That should be our concern. We have a leadership development crisis.
Perhaps our social work education is preparing well motivated people to be effective managers. That takes a program only so far but not far enough. I believe that the critical need which exists within the Ministry of Children and Family Development is ‘leadership.’ I am distinguishing ‘leadership’ from ‘management.’ We have regions and teams that are being managed and some of them perhaps managed effectively. Make no mistake that some of the sad and broken family stories stem from parents whose own lives are so messed up that they have failed to function well as parents. Yet there are numerous other family stories that spin out from teams of social workers who have not been led well, by example or principle. That should be our concern. We have a leadership development crisis.
Monday, May 23, 2011
“Sorry” as in “I am sorry”. I cannot categorically say that it is so, but I am acquiring the conviction that you and I never hear from a social worker or a child protection team member or from anyone within the MCFD of B.C. an apologetic “I am sorry,” as in, “we erred.” “We were mistaken.” Is it unprofessional for a social worker to be heard to say something like that?
You might say, “Well Ron, your statement is already categorical enough.” Perhaps so. Yet, for me, the system is out of order. There are so many signs of disorder and the unapologetic interface with parents in those instances where gaffes have clearly occurred is a conspicuous sign.
You might say, “Well Ron, your statement is already categorical enough.” Perhaps so. Yet, for me, the system is out of order. There are so many signs of disorder and the unapologetic interface with parents in those instances where gaffes have clearly occurred is a conspicuous sign.
Friday, May 20, 2011

That balance of probability proviso when harnessed to child
protection’s remarkable degree of legal authority over children disturbs and
even angers many parents beset by CP case workers. In every Canadian
jurisdiction there is now comprehensive child protection legislation. If that
were not enough, the common law has given courts inherent jurisdiction over
children who are in danger, and this jurisdiction is called parens patriae. The
summary truth is that in Canada
the natural parental custody and even court ordered guardianship is superceded
by child protection or child welfare orders.
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Child Protection officers insist that in keeping with the
legislation that empowers them to remove a child from his or her parents, such
apprehension is used as a last resort. Many of you question that. You argue
that the taking of a child in too many cases while emotional and difficult is
clinically processed on the basis of superficial evidence and badly done investigation.
The reform of child protection must become a priority for
our B.C. government.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
An Archive of Child Removal Cases / 531
This entire post today is courtesy of the PAPA website. There are fifteen cases cited here. Many of these are illustrations of some aspect of the disagreeable outcomes of child protection when it lacks the accountability that we expect and should demand or at least the transparency that explains the perception of interference. In a couple of instances I question the inclusion of a case in such a list as this because the mitigating circumstances may not serve the PAPA purpose. At least those instances would not serve my purpose. Some of these cases are outside British Columbia but each title is an archived link to its details. PAPA has done us an information service, but could have done more research with a few cases. There is available information elsewhere with regard to those few. By publishing this citation I am providing the resource, so that readers can form their own opinions about these cases and do the research.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sympathizers with the Baynes dominate the readership of this
blog site. I accept that. Other readers, occasional and curious take a peek.
Some with vested interest in the Ministry of Children browse as well. Be
assured that the parents and advocates of child protection reform who comment
here are not a small troublesome faction of uninformed complainers.
Critics exist across Canada
and in enlightened countries around the world. Critics are calling for greater
accountability for the child protection segment of child welfare. That is what
must be understood and processed by responsible parties.
Please hear me say that I believe child protection agencies
do serve a vital function to safeguard children. Note that I am saying just as
emphatically that child protection departments overstep their mandate.
Monday, May 16, 2011
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Hon. Barry Penner, Att Gen |
Ministry of Attorney General
Child Protection Mediation Program
Sometimes parents or other people who are responsible for the care of a child disagree with child welfare workers in the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or delegated Aboriginal child and family service agency (DAA) about a child’s safety and well-being. Child protection mediation is a collaborative way to reach agreement on the best plan for a child’s safety with the help of a specially trained, impartial person called a mediator.
Mediators do not take sides, nor do they make decisions or recommendations. Instead, they encourage people to focus on common interests and work towards a mutually acceptable solution that is focused on the child’s needs.
Mediation is a process which brings together the parents, child welfare workers and others in a respectful way to talk about everyone’s interests and seek to understand each other through sharing feelings, ideas, concerns and potential solutions for the child.
The Ministry of Attorney General (MAG) and the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) established the Child Protection Mediation Program in October 1997. MAG and MCFD administer the program. MAG’s Child Protection Mediation Program (CPMP) contracts for mediation services with specially qualified private sector mediators.
Friday, May 13, 2011
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Diagonal Confusion - K. Madison Moore |
Understandably. The boys have been in foster care for more than half of their young lives. Do they consider the foster home to be ‘home?’ They must certainly see their female foster caregiver as a mother figure. Are they able to distinguish the difference between foster mom and bio mom? Do they have the same attachment to each of these mother figures? Asking the question is guaranteed to hurt the bio mom. This is not a contest by the way. One woman administers care as a custodial employee and is expected simultaneously to provide affection yet maintain objective detachment. That’s a tall expectation. The other woman cares from an innate, natal connection with possessive love which she has been forced to contain in order to present a civil self-image. That too is a great expectation, decidedly more difficult than the other, because the children for whom she longs, can be with her only hours per week.
Blogger was fixing some problems and consequently created a blackout for both me as administrator and any commenters to the blog site from Thursday morning until today.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Child protection cases, custody battles, and family law
disputes are overcrowded with fury and anguish. In most cases when children are
removed from parents, it is a crisis situation. In the earliest stages of the
disagreement between PC workers and parents, the stress of the emergency is not
lost on the children, from toddlers on up. Court processes seldom lessen the
desperation. However, if mediation was practiced and if judges understood that
this was an available alternative, court ordeals could be
transformed. That's what proponents of mediation claim.
I confess that I still struggle to understand the concept. That is, I have struggled to comprehend the way CP personnel interpret the concept of the “Best Interests of the Child.” And I do give it an honest attempt.
Our child protection laws authorize child protection (CP) workers to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect. They can apprehend children from their families and they are enabled to place the seized children with foster families. The authority of CP workers is supported by our Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the criminal justice system and the court system. CP workers are immensely powerful.
The processes never fail to leave affected parents irate, estranged and often in despair.
Our child protection laws authorize child protection (CP) workers to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect. They can apprehend children from their families and they are enabled to place the seized children with foster families. The authority of CP workers is supported by our Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the criminal justice system and the court system. CP workers are immensely powerful.
The processes never fail to leave affected parents irate, estranged and often in despair.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The ‘interests of a child’, the very best interests of children should naturally be the concern of each one of us. Parents in particular are expected to care for their children according to this standard. In societies like ours, the collective, the people, citizens, have elected representatives to institutionalize this standard of care for children. When parents or other caregivers appear not to be acting in the best interests of a child, then government authorized social workers intervene.
Curiously, ‘the best interests of the child’ has become a virtual dogma within our courts and child protection systems, yet there is no standard definition of ‘best interests of the child.’ Notwithstanding, this phrase customarily refers to the court’s consideration of the kinds of orders, actions and services that will best serve a child, as well as taking into consideration the person(s) best suited to care for the child. The child’s fundamental safety and welfare is the principal concern.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Their time with Josiah was a delight for them because he was wide awake. They could feed their son some sugar water and hold him and comfort him. They used the opportunity to pray for him. You must appreciate that this is important to the Baynes.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
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Mommy and Bethany this year |
It’s a bit early but that’s OK. I do trust that Saturday is a joyous day with three of your children, Kent, Baden and Bethany. I know that you miss holding little Josiah, recuperating from his recent surgery. You will see him soon again.
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Newborn Josiah and Mommy |
What they will come to see more clearly such things as your love of learning, your creativity, your bravery and vitality, your kindness and love, your social responsibility and mercy, your appreciation of beauty and excellence, your gratitude and certainly your spirituality. They will naturally appreciate your music artistry which you have taken so long to perfect into piano performance brilliance.
Friday, May 6, 2011
There is so much pain in our communities, and so many people to be encouraged in the midst of their anxieties, and so much to say by way of correction and solution. Yet sometimes a writer can simply not get it out, and today is one of those days. Please have a good weekend.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Steve Lus CBC photo |
"Our investigation is clearly focused on the cause of the fire and the cause of death of the child," said Hollingsworth. "The results of the completed scene examination will determine the next course of our investigation."
More on the story at a number of online news sources:
CTV News
CBC News
Vancouver Sun
Global TV
In mid April Paul and Zabeth were informed that Josiah had possibly developed a hernia. It is uncommon in a small baby and correctable. Surgery was mentioned as a possibility then. Today at 9:20 AM Josiah undergoes a surgical procedure. He is a little over three months old. The hospital request was for the principal caregiver to be with him before and after surgery, so Paul and Zabeth were given permission to visit with him yesterday from 12 Noon to 2 pm. Understandably as he is recuperating, they will not be able to visit with him Fri or Sat this week, but possibly Monday. This is an exceptionally difficult time for the Baynes but they ask people to pray for Josiah’s surgery and rapid recuperation.
We will hear the end of this sorry saga one day but not quite yet. Former Ontario pathologist Dr. Charles Smith is in the news again because yet another person whose life and reputation he messed by his incompetency has received deserved justice and vindication. A number of people were wrongly convicted and imprisoned because of the errors in his work. Six people whom he helped to convict have already been cleared of any offense since the investigations into his work began. There are six more cases in which Smith was involved that have yet to be revisited by the courts.
Richard Brant is 38 years old now. He is a truck driver. Richard Brant’s entire story cannot be told here but suffice it to say, Charles Smith’s report in 1993 was enough to place Brant under suspicion of manslaughter for which he would have received a lengthy prison term. Yes I did say “would have received,” but he didn’t receive the long prison term because he was informed that if he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault he would receive less time. That’s what he did. Pleaded guilty! (Pleaded is the legal verb form)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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Dr. Bowden, Van Psych-Ed Services Site |
Prepared for a 2009 Child Protection Conference, Dr. Bowden's article is entitled, “Parenting Capacity Assessments: A PsychologistsPerspective.”
We know that Dr. Bowden’s service in the Bayne case is paid by the MCFD. That can make parents like the Baynes understandably nervous. Yet Bowden has written a provocative paragraph. Understanding that this paper is intended for diverse child protection personnel, Dr. Bowden’s remarks express a level of objectivity that is encouraging. “While in most cases the PCA is initiated and paid for by MCFD, the psychologist’s job is to consider the whole circumstances of the parent’s situation including their relationship with MCFD. MCFD social workers and others make operating assumptions about their clients that may be erroneous. The psychologist’s job is to increase understanding of the client so as to make it more likely that a constructive working relationship can be formed between social worker and client leading to a return of the child or children.”
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
If you were participating in a parental
capacity assessment, would you know what to expect? Have you already
been through one of these?
There are several components to an
assessment but certainly the elemental interview will subject you to
a series of questions which can either appear conventional and
non-threatening or if you are nervous to entrust your future to the
psychologist who administers the test, they will be unsettling and
Interestingly, the psychologist
engaged by Child Protection does not necessarily develop the questions
unilaterally but often a case worker or a team of child protection case
workers suggests the questions for which they would want to have
answers. The parents are customarily presented with these questions in
advance of the meeting with the psychologist. If you have had a CPA done, do these questions reflect your
Monday, May 2, 2011
Josiah tucked in the padding of his carseat |
He was legally removed from the custody and care of his mom and dad on the day of his birth.
His three siblings were already in foster care as prescribed by the Ministry of Children during the past three years, pending the outcome of a judge's decision.
That decision came almost one month later after Josiah's birth when the Ministry's application for a Continuing Care Order was judiciously dismissed but the three children were retained in temporary care for three more months. That order is completed on June 2nd.
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